Social Media
Is the social media revolution a fad, or can it really help your business?

You have probably heard about Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr among others. So what's the big deal...they're just tools for having a bit of fun and communicating with friends right?
Well, not if you leverage your brand with the myriad of social media sites and tools that are freely available. Social media can have a profound impact on your business and strengthen the direct communication you have with every single one of your customers and fans. The viral nature of many of these sites make it vitally important that you "care" about what your customers are saying and thinking.
The biggest mistake you can make is to create a Twitter account, a Facebook Fan Page, and think you are done. You need to evaluate exactly how you intend to use social media and how it fits in with your overall marketing strategy.
Get in touch with us to find out how Social Media can help your winery.